(All our gold generators are professional designed and robust machines. No loose kit of parts to hook up, no dangerous high voltages or toxic chemicals to play around with.)
For Medicinal Purposes: MonoAtomic Gold acts upon the pituitary gland, inducing an increase in hormonal production, and is thus a rejuvenating agent. MonoAtomic Gold strengthens the heart, enhances the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow and increases the production of semen. MonoAtomic gold is a natural aphrodisiac.
For Food Additives: MonoAtomic Gold
can serve as colorings for cakes, candies, coats of chocolate and alcohol. It can be added into alcohol to make new wine mellow and reduce aldehyde quantity, thus decreasing the human body’s absorption of toxic ethanol and thereby avoiding hangovers. It can also reduce the spiciness in alcohol, making it soft and mellow.
For Personal Transformation: MonoAtomic Gold allows subconsciously held beliefs and worries to surface and become understood; this process happens sequentially, bringing to light one issue at a time. MonoAtomic Gold helps to develop keen insight and psychic abilities.
MonoAtomic Gold
MonoAtomic Gold is the non-toxic form of Gold. MonoAtomic Gold is a high temperature superconductor [1]. It also occurs naturally in volcanic soils, seawater and in minute amounts in the purple or violet skins of fruits and vegetables and some medicinal plants such as red grapes, eggplant and violets. In recent years, MonoAtomic gold was known and used in the Pharmacopoeia of Western Medieval Alchemy as ‘the retrogradedcalx of Gold that cannot be revivified’ [meaning it cannot be returned to the metallic state by conventional metallurgical processes] [2]. MonoAtomic Gold is known and used in Ayurveda as a bhasma of Gold that passes the test of apunarbhavatva or ‘test of non-revivability’ [3]. MonoAtomic Gold is not known to contemporary western allopathic medicine and must not be confused with the gold salts that are used in allopathic medicine. MonoAtomic gold retains its metallic nature.
Standard Therapeutic Dosage recommendation for adults: one tea cup 4.0 oz. (120 mL) of 10 ppm Colloidal Gold morning and / or evening to be administered sublingually (hold each sip under the tongue for one to two minutes before swallowing) for treatment of serious health conditions until symptoms disappear. This can be taken for a few weeks at a time as directed by your health care provider.
As a nutritional supplement one to two tablespoons morning / bedtime for prolonged periods of time.
Discussion of Usage and Properties
Our MonoAtomic Gold is designed to interact directly with your energy body. As such, the effect is immediate, as can be demonstrated by the instant change of brain wave patterns [4].
Typical applications:
For those who engage in meditation practices, it is a tool to reach expanded states of consciousness and sublime states of mind easily and effortlessly.
In Alchemy, we see gold as the representative of the sun, which rules the fourth chakra of the human energy body and rules the heart and the arteries, as well as the skeletal structure of the human body. Based upon this knowledge, it is not surprising that we can observe the following effects of gold: On a physical level, MonoAtomic gold increases stamina. MonoAtomic gold increases and balances the production of your own hormones, thus being useful for the purpose of rejuvenation. MonoAtomic gold strengthens the heart, and increases the production of red blood cells. MonoAtomic gold is an aphrodisiac for both genders and increases the production of semen in males.
MonoAtomic gold is helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and many other brain degradation conditions. Reduced tremors and increased face expressiveness are among the most frequent victories against this unforgiving health problem.
MonoAtomic gold can help dissolve the abnormal protein clumps linked with Alzheimer's disease and potentially those linked with other degenerative illnesses as well.
Abnormal proteins that cluster into toxic fibrous clumps are hallmarks of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's and type 2 diabetes.
MonoAtomic gold can also be used to relieve pain in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Select References:
Paracelsus suggests to ‘obtain the virtues of gold’ in cases of “Paralysis, Fevers, Palpitation of the Heart, complaints of the Matrix, Peri-pneumonia, and in acute diseases generally.” (Waite, Arthur Edward [Editor]: The Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, vol. II, Berkeley 1976, Shambala Publications, p.225)
The ancient Ayurvedic text ‘Rasa-Jala-Nidhi’ states: “Gold is soothing, pure, nutritive, curer of poison, phthisis, insanity and other diseases. (…) Gold increases vitality, fortune, beauty, intelligence and memory. It destroys all sorts of diseases, pacifies the evil influences exerted on human beings by ghosts, is an aphrodisiac and gives rise to happiness and nutrition. It cures disease, prevents senility, removes loss of memory and consciousness. It also removes thinness, develops the mind, and increases semen.” (Mookerji, Kaviraj Bhudeb [Translator]: Rasa-Jala-Nidhi or Ocean of Indian Chemistry & Alchemy, vol. 2, Delhi 1990, Parimal publ., p. 239f)
Vaidya Bhagwan Dash writes in his contemporary work on Ayurveda: “The bhasma of gold is sweet in taste and vipaka (taste that emerges after digestion and during metabolism). It is aphrodisiac, cardiac tonic, promoter of eyesight as well as intellect and rejuvenating. It counteracts the toxic poisons. It promotes the complexion of the skin.” Under the heading Indications he writes: “It promotes longevity, maintains youth and memory. It cures serious types of fever, particularly chronic fever, nervous disorders, heart disease, tuberculosis, afflictions of voice, schizophrenia, epilepsy, hysteria, bronchitis, asthma, chronic diarrhea, serious types of anemia and cancer.” (Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan: Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda, New Delhi 1986, Concept Publishing, p.107)
Dr. Robert O. Becker writes in his book The Body Electric: Gold worked against Staphylococcus bacteria. Gold electrode released ions for bone repair. Gold can be electrically injected into the joint for rheumatoid arthritis in the knees for cartilage repair for relief of joint pain. This gave some relief in about two weeks. Repeated treatments were required to continue the good effects of gold for pain reduction. [5]
[1] British Patent GB 2219995 A: Non-metallic, MonoAtomic forms of transition elements, D. R. Hudson
[2] One medieval reference that includes a viable manufacturing process of MonoAtomic gold is: Jugel, Johann G.: Johann Gottfried Jugels freyentdeckte Experimentalchymie, Leipzig, Germany 1766, Publisher J.P. Krause, page 172ff
[3] Dash, Vaidya Bhagwan: Alchemy and Metallic Medicines in Ayurveda, New Delhi, India 1986, reprint 1996 Concept Publ., p. 107
[4] This claim can be verified in any doctor’s office that is equipped with an electroencephalograph.
[5] Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. Orthopedic Surgeon and Professor of Medicine, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York – The Body Electric, 1985 ISBN : 0688069711 – Pages 167, 172 and 188.
(All our gold generators are professional designed and robust machines. No loose kit of parts to hook up, no dangerous high voltages or toxic chemicals to play around with.)
Note on the importance of this colloidal gold generator:
This is the only user friendly, professionally designed, Colloidal Gold Generator. It is so safe that it can produce Nano Gold right in your own kitchen or on your dining table. No dangerous high voltages, toxic chemicals or laboratories are required. It is as simple as making a cup of tea or coffee. Nano Gold strength is accurately controlled by a highly advanced ppm controller.
The gold electrode is not made from 24 karat gold, but is made from a very high purity 99.99% medical grade gold. This ensures that toxic metals such as lead, nickel, cadmium, etc., are not ingested.
An investment worth making for the whole family. Gold finds multiple uses: from health, longevity and even cosmetics.
Test Report for nano particle size
Test Report for 10 ppm
We are a non-profit research organization, and should you decide to invest in one of our generators, the funds will go towards further research for the benefit of mankind.
Our line of professionally designed colloidal / nano gold generators have been passionately developed over the last two decades of extensive research and supporting case studies. So please do help spread the word around.
A valuable addition to your First Aid Kit.
Worked like a charm.
That is one beautiful color. My hats off to you!
Thank you very much.
Just from being on the colloidal gold generator for a mere 4 days, the following incredible effects have manifested. I feel very aware and full of energy. My weight has gone down 5 pounds (I am a weight lifter and the strength gains are very noticeable to me) and the days seem more focused, brighter and all together a very nice feeling of well being. Again I stress this is just from 4 days. My mother who is elderly and recovering from a very bad accident that she had in 2002, is shedding her stress day by day. I can only see greater things happening as the illusions around me change and a beautiful picture of life radiates out. I have already started spreading the word for the MonoAtomic Gold generator, from family to my gym buddies to restaurant owners. I am sure as they see my life change and progress at an accelerated rate they will jump aboard. I plan on being a loyal customer of yours for a very long time. I truly feel that I am bending space time. Godspeed.
I am pleased with the easy operation of the Gold Maker since receiving it, and the quality of Gold is satisfactory and feels healthful.
I am very pleased and my transformation is underway. I will be emailing you in the near future for the purchase of stem cell cream and gel. Thanks again space-age!!!!
I am pleased with the easy operation of the Gold Maker since receiving it, and the quality of Gold is satisfactory and feels healthful.
Thank you for your kind email. I still stand behind my endorsement of your wonderful generator. It has really helped me focus and its all there for people to see. Your invention is really a marvelous creation. I will be a loyal customer for a very long time.
All is well.....the generator is great...thank you ..ill let you know when im ready for the silver generator thanks for checking up on me.
Thank you for this.
Gold is amazing and it is better than anything I have ever tried on the market in NZ.
Literally works instantaneously, the information provided is so valuable too.
Thank you, and thank you very much for all your support with answering hundreds of questions for me and providing a wonderful service.
You guys are doing amazing things and providing amazing information and products.
All the best and kindest regards.
Blair Mcintosh, New Zealand
The MonoAtomic Gold is awesome, thank you.
Ms. Sapphire Rochelle, Sydney, Australia.
Heavy Duty Colloidal Gold Generators

Heavy Duty Gold Generator
Model: GHD1-0.5L
(10 to 100 ppm at 0.5 Liters / 16 oz. per 90 minutes.)
Special Generators for up to 500 ppm.
Heavy Duty Gold Generators can produce 10 to 100 ppm concentration at 16.0 oz. to 1.0 gallon (0.5 to 4.0 Liters) per hour. Good for Doctors, Clinics, Hospitals, Pharma, Biocide and Cosmetic Industries.
Special Generators for up to 500 ppm.
Test Report for 100 ppm
Test Report for nano particle size
For more information on Colloidal Gold
MonoAtomic Gold Generators and Accessories - Prices
Gold and its Relationship to Neurological / Glandular Problems, Dr. Douglas G. Richards, Ph.D. [pdf file]
Nano Gold Pharmaceutics [pdf file]
(Use of colloidal gold in medicine)
Test Report showing "No Growth" of Gram Postive and Gram Negative Bacteria and Fungus (Candida) from an independant Laboratory using our Mono Atomic Silver Generator. Download file in pdf format..
Research shows that Silver can kill HIV-1 Virus. Download Word doc file
Test Report showing "No Growth" of HIV-1 Virus from an independant Laboratory using our Mono Atomic Silver Generator. Download file in pdf format.
Mode of Action of Silver Nanoparticles against HIV-1.
Press Release - The Indian Practioner,
Vol. 55, No. 9 of September 2002
Treatment Cost is less than $1.00 (Rs.50.00) average per patient
Testimony for treatment of HIV-1 Virus
Misuse Of Antibiotics - My Doctor Magazine - June 2002
(Download pdf file)
The Bubble Has Burst - DNA Sunday June 24, 2007 - Page 17 - Health Line (Download pdf file)
Is My Immunity Low? Frequently Asked Questions
(Download Word file)
Journal of Medical Physics 2007, Vol. 32, Issue 3,
(Ganesh T. News. J Med Phys 2007;32:135-8)
Meet the man behind the Colloidal / Nano Gold & Silver Biotechnology
Press Release on Swine Flu Pandemic