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Anti-Aging Medicine Papers presented at International Seminars, Conferences, Tutorials, Workshops, Masters Courses for IMCAS, ISAPS, IAAPS, A4M - American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.
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(All our gold generators are professional designed and robust machines. No loose kit of parts to hook up, no dangerous high voltages or toxic chemicals to play around with.)
Note on the importance of this Colloidal Gold Generator:
This is the only user friendly, professionally designed, Colloidal Gold Generator. It is so safe that it can produce Nano Gold right in your own kitchen or on your dining table. No dangerous high voltages, toxic chemicals or laboratories are required. It is as simple as making a cup of tea or coffee. Nano Gold strength is accurately controlled by a highly advanced ppm controller.
The gold electrode is not made from 24 karat gold, but is made from a very high purity 99.99% medical grade gold. This ensures that toxic metals such as lead, nickle, cadmium, etc., are not ingested.
An investment worth making for the whole family. Gold finds multiple uses: from health, longevity and even cosmetics.
Other Applications of MonoAtomic Gold TM
MonoAtomic Gold is easily absorbed through the cell membrane to provide protection against negative action of free radicals, which arise e.g. As the effect of ionizing radiation.
MonoAtomic Gold is absorbed very fast through skin, mucous membranes, hair and digestive system, where it starts the growth of young cells and collagen production. This favours increase of skin's and blood vessels' elasticity and regularly taken, it prevents dangerous diseases.
When sprayed on a face MonoAtomic Gold rejuvenates amazingly, reduces wrinkles and illuminates the complexion. It is recommended to use the formulation after shave by men and as under make-up foundation and as tonic after removing make-up by women.
MonoAtomic Gold quickens active components migration into deep parts of the skin, it stimulates collagen's synthesis, it stimulates the process of purifying an organism through the skin, it moistens and nourish mature skin, it provides protective film on the skin.
MonoAtomic Gold brings back natural colour, elasticity of hair, reduces hair loss and in many cases, it causes its re-growth.
MonoAtomic Gold is an amazing and odourless mouth and body freshener.
MonoAtomic Gold amazingly destroys varicose veins, bruises, after-hit swellings, allergic reaction occurring after insects sting, tumours, fibroma, nodules and various excrescences, even these undergone malignant transformation- after some time, their suppuration or reduction and atrophy happens.
MonoAtomic Gold can be dropped or sprayed into eyes to correct vision impairments and treat various eyes inflammations. When dropped into the nose, it treats runny nose and other illnesses, prevents the flu and other respiratory system illnesses efficiently. It can be used in a Nebulizer or used for steam inhalation to treat lung infections and disorders.
Wnen used on a long-term basis it is more efficient, safer and cheaper than other known sexual potency formulations.
MonoAtomic Gold has strong anti-acne action. It is characterized with bactericide, anti-inflammation, bacteriostatic action, reducing activity of adrenal glands and reducing release of lysosomal enzymes and cytokine in the skin.
With the renowned effects of colloidal gold on serious malfunctions of the nervous system, it has been found to be helpful in the treatment of Parkinsons Disease and many other brain degenerative diseases and conditions.
Gold has been used in modern medical literature as a drug for rheumatoid arthritis. Gold has a reputation for treatment of nervous and glandular disorders. Historically gold has been used for the treatment of depression, epilepsy, migraines, and glandular problems such as amenorrhea and impotence. MonoAtomic Gold has also been used for alcoholism and other chemical substance abuses on the body such as smoking, chewing tobacco, the use of hard drug like cocaine, marijuana, and other recreational drugs. Gold is a naturally occurring trace mineral in the human reproductive organs. MonoAtomic Gold has also been found useful in the improvement of cognitive functions and to enhance the IQs of persons of all ages.
MonoAtomic (TM) Gold is appropriate both for internal and external use
In case of external use, MonoAtomic Gold should be sprayed several times a day on the face or other areas of concern and left on until it dries. For best result leave it on overnight. Compresses should be applied as wet gauze, cotton-wool, cloth, etc. and then covered with thin foil and protected against falling down by gentle tying round with something elastic (tights, stockings, a sock, etc.). After it dried, creams, lotions, tonics, etc. can be applied. Use at least 2 times a day.
In case of internal use, MonoAtomic Gold should be taken in the morning and / or favourably right before going to sleep. The standard therapeutic dose is one tea cup 5.0 oz. (150 mL) of 10 ppm for a few weeks at a time as directed by your health care provider.
As a nutritional supplement one to two tablespoons morning / bedtime for prolonged periods of time.
Colloidal Gold as An Energy Booster
Throughout the history of mankind gold has given rise to all kinds of legends and myths: some associate it with wealth and lust for power, while others see it as an archetypal symbol and a true master healer. If the ancients spoke in terms of worship about this precious mineral, things have changed a lot in our times when we are particularly interested in the practical side of it. If it can help in the treatment of various health conditions, then gold is the right thing for us. Many naturopaths consider this pure metal a great remedy for blood, skin and heart disorders.
First of all, the very working principle of colloidal gold solutions is that of purification by the elimination of blockages at all body levels. Gold acts like a non-toxic energy source that strengthens and amplifies the normal functions of your system; therefore it is successfully used to treat dyslexia, epilepsy and even autism. At the brain level, colloidal gold acts on both lobes, balancing the brain mechanism by neuro-regeneration. The benefit for the nerves is manifold, but mainly, the coordination from brain to organs, via the nervous impulse is dramatically improved. During a treatment with colloidal gold, anger and temper will seem a bad memory.
Besides an incredible level of energy, colloidal gold will also make your spirits brighter. It is considered to bring balance and peace of mind, somehow preventing any form of spiritual "corrosion". What is the mechanism that lies behind the great healing properties? Gold particles in suspension represent an excellent conductive environment; at the very basis of the nervous and energetic functions of the body, there lies the electron movement between various cells and tissues. Consequently for brain and body stimulation, colloidal gold is an excellent cure due to its electrolytic properties.
Used in combination with its "twin" brother - colloidal silver, colloidal gold represents a natural source of energy and longevity. Studies have pointed out that the boost in energy reported by colloidal gold users ensures the longer functionality of the organs preventing physical and mental decay associated with old age. Results are amazing even in the case of chronic patients who may be facing malnutrition as a consequence of the disease; colloidal gold reduces the general physical wasting and strengthens the body in the fight against external and even internal aggression. Administered daily, colloidal gold improves and prolongs life.
Colloidal Gold and Expression Wrinkles
Expression wrinkles are often treated by natural homeopathic therapies and by means of mineral and herbal supplements; one of the most efficient supplements is colloidal gold, a compound that is widely used in lots of cosmetic products. Expression wrinkles are more likely to appear in the eye area, and around the mouth particularly where the skin starts to lose its elasticity with the passing years. The first reason for age decay lies in the decrease of collagen in the cells as this protein is the one to maintain skin flexibility.
On the one hand colloidal gold has one of the greatest antioxidant properties and on the other it connects to the most profound levels of the cellular structure due to the incredibly reduced size of the nano-particles in suspension. It comes with a positive electrical charge that makes the ions in the skin respond too, and all these advantages are tributary to a very complex manufacturing procedure that consists in the accumulation of silver around the positive electrode.
In case there are any inter-cellular broken connections, colloidal gold helps to the restoration of the tissues, by accelerating the new regrowth rhythm. This means that in a short while your expression wrinkles will start to diminish and there will be a significant change in your look. Colloidal gold is included in face soaps, gels, body lotions and cosmetic masks, very often in combination with other natural compounds.
Colloidal gold cosmetic treatments can be used in association with very efficient collagen-based anti-wrinkle creams that regenerate the age-damaged tissue. Collagen is a protein that is naturally produced by the body but its level drops with age and the system stops producing it. A synergistic action of both colloidal gold and other natural cosmetic treatments should preserve skin condition for a longer period of time.
(All our gold generators are professional designed and robust machines. No loose kit of parts to hook up, no dangerous high voltages or toxic chemicals to play around with.)
Note on the importance of this colloidal gold generator:
This is the only user friendly, professionally designed, Colloidal Gold Generator. It is so safe that it can produce Nano Gold right in your own kitchen or on your dining table. No dangerous high voltages, chemicals or laboratories are required. It is as simple as making a cup of tea or coffee. Nano Gold strength is accurately controlled by a highly advanced ppm controller.
The gold electrode is not made from 24 karat gold, but is made from a very high purity 99.99% medical grade gold. This ensures that toxic metals such as lead, nickle, cadmium, etc., are not ingested.
An investment worth making for the whole family. Gold finds multiple uses: from health, longevity and even cosmetics.
Worked like a charm.
That is one beautiful color. My hats off to you!
Thank you very much.
Just from being on the colloidal gold generator for a mere 4 days, the following incredible effects have manifested. I feel very aware and full of energy. My weight has gone down 5 pounds (I am a weight lifter and the strength gains are very noticeable to me) and the days seem more focused, brighter and all together a very nice feeling of well being. Again I stress this is just from 4 days. My mother who is elderly and recovering from a very bad accident that she had in 2002, is shedding her stress day by day. I can only see greater things happening as the illusions around me change and a beautiful picture of life radiates out. I have already started spreading the word for the MonoAtomic Gold generator, from family to my gym buddies to restaurant owners. I am sure as they see my life change and progress at an accelerated rate they will jump aboard. I plan on being a loyal customer of yours for a very long time. I truly feel that I am bending space time. Godspeed.
I am pleased with the easy operation of the Gold Maker since receiving it, and the quality of Gold is satisfactory and feels healthful.
I am very pleased and my transformation is underway. I will be emailing you in the near future for the purchase of stem cell cream and gel. Thanks again space-age!!!!
---------------------------- I am pleased with the easy operation of the Gold Maker since receiving it, and the quality of Gold is satisfactory and feels healthful.
Thank you for your kind email. I still stand behind my endorsement of your wonderful generator. It has really helped me focus and its all there for people to see. Your invention is really a marvelous creation. I will be a loyal customer for a very long time.
All is well.....the generator is great...thank you ..ill let you know when im ready for the silver generator thanks for checking up on me. -----------------------------
GOLD GEL (With Stem Cell Activators for Knee Cartilage Repair)
Gel has Nano Gold + Nano Silver Stem Cell Activators to help Knee Cartilage Repair and for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Gold, Nano Silver.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area morning and at bedtime after bath. Leave on overnight for best results.
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for one month supply.
Each vial has 2.0 mL of Nano Gold and / or Nano Silver concentrate. Nano Gold has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and enhanced collagen forming capabiliities while Nano Silver has in vivo and / or in vitro Stem Cell Activation capabilities.
Main Ingredients: Nano Gold and / or Nano Silver in sterile water for injection.
Packing: glass vials
Recommend for Stem Cell Therapy and
Knee Cartilage Repair.
Other Related Gels With Nano Gold
HAIR GEL (With Stem Cell Activators for Hair Growth)
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help groom hair into any style you want. Helps prevent all o pecia, dandruff and itching of scalp. Encourages growth of new and healthy hair. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and more manageable hair. Helps encourage hair growth.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Silver, Nano Gold, Organic Vitamin A, E, Serum C along with Essential Oils of Rose Mary, and Lavender.
Dosage: Apply liberal quantity, wet hair and rub into scalp. Comb and allow to dry. Leave on over night for best results. W ashes off in plain water .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply.
Highly recommend for those with chronic Hair Loss.
INSTANT FACE LIFT GEL (With Stem Cell Activators for Instant Face Lift and Skin Tightening)
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators. Use on Face, under Chin and Neck area (avoid eye area). Helps tighten skin for instant Face Lift. Daily applications give cumulative results. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and smoother skin. Helps lighten complexion by a few noticeable shades.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Silver, Nano Gold, Natural Vitamins A, E & Serum C, Proteins, Amino Acids, Lavender & Geranium. .
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area morning and at bedtime after bath. Leave on overnight for best results.
Apply a minimum of 30 minutes before the event / shoot. Absorbs in 15 to 30 minutes after application. Wash off with plain water prior to application of makeup .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply.
Highly recommend for instant removal of wrinkles and for instantaneous skin tightening.
DERMA GEL (With Stem Cell Activators for Derma Rolling)
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help improve the overall effect of derma rolling and reduce chance of infections / scaring. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer, smoother and tighter skin.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Silver, Nano Gold, Natural Vitamins A, E & Serum C, Proteins, Amino Acids, Lavender & Geranium.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply.
Helps to rejuvenate skin for a firmer and tighter appearance.
NANO SILVER GEL (Hand Sanitizer for protection against spreading of viral and other infections - Alcohol Free, Chemical Free, Eco-friendly)
Nano Silver Gel is good for burns, cuts, bruises and insect bites. A small amount of Nano Silver Gel can be applied to the hands to disinfect them by rubbing them together. This is more eco-friendly and economical than disinfecting wipes. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and smoother hands.
A small quantity of Nano Silver Gel when applied inside each nostril, with tip of the little finger, is known to help protect against H1N1 Swine Flu Virus.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Silver 30 ppm
Dosage: 0.25g (pea size)
Form: 1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube - typically good for two months per person.
Highly recommend for those not desiring to expose themselves to Flu Vaccines.
PIGMENTATION GEL (With Stem Cell Activators for Irregular Pigmentation and Melasma)
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help remove the most difficult Pigmentation spots on your skin and as well as chronic Melasma. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and smoother skin. Helps lighten complexion by a few noticeable shades.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Silver, Nano Gold, Natural Vitamins A, E & Serum C, Organic Zinc, Geranium & Lavender. Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area morning and at bedtime after bath. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply.
Highly recommend for those with Chronic Pigmentation Spots and Melasma.
ACNEX GEL (With Stem Cell Activators for Acne)
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help reduce scaring due to Acne. Nano silver has strong antibiotic properties which help to reduce infection. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and smoother skin. Helps to also clear Acne and scars due to Acne.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel and Nano Silver, Nano Gold.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube - typically good for one month supply.
Helps to clear Acne - infection and scars due to Acne.
Other Related Products
with Nano Gold
Orthomolecular Nutrition with Stem Cells Activators and Organic Minerals. Synergistically Formulated. Optimized for Intracellular Effect. For more info please click here.
The Secret to Healthy Hair, Nails and Skin - Your Beauty Quotient.
Orthomolecular Nutrition with Stem Cells Activators and Organic Minerals. Synergistically Formulated. Optimized for Intracellular Effect. For more info please click here.
Ingredients: Boron, chromium, copper, iodine, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, silicon, vanadium, zinc, Macuna Pruriens, Vitamins A, B-Complex and C.
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and experiences shared on any video tapes, on any audio tapes, in any
handout materials are for educational and research purposes only and is
not medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical prescription. You are
advised to seek healing solution from your personal, qualified health
care Professional. Self treatment could be hazardous to your health.