Detoxification & Rejuvenation of the Body

A person investing in a Detoxification & Rejuvenation enjoys following Benefits:

  • Optimum Health with increased Energy & Sharper Memory
  • Build a stronger Immunity
  • Increased Vitality and Clarity
  • Reversal of Aging Process of the Body
  • LOOK and FEEL healthier - Soft Skin, fewer Wrinkles and Complexion.
  • Experience more Love, Joy and Happiness
  • Superb efficiency of the Body and its Organs
  • Development of Intuition and Predictive Powers
  • "Beauty Inside Out" without any high risk invasive and costly procedure.

Detoxification & Rejuvenation does not merely comprise the one time administration of Herbal Dietary Supplements. It is a continuous process. The desire to live a Long, Happy & Prosperous life should be pursued throughout life.

The Human Body requires Preventive Servicing and Maintenance just like any machine. Time and Energy needs to be spent to loving look after it. One must remember that, though each person obtains a Human Body "Free of Cost" at the time of birth, you cannot buy a duplicate body in case of its misuse and neglect in its maintenance. The need to Overhaul and Service the Human Body on a continuous basis therefore makes sense. Remember - you can buy a new car but not a new body.

Rejuvenation of the Body should only be attempted once a thorough Detoxification of the Body has been done and the Body and its Organs are cleansed of all the old accumulated feces and Toxins. Most Chronic Aliments disappear once this is thoroughly done. Many times it may be necessary to Detoxify the Body numerous times before the desired results are achieved. This can be done with suitable intervals.

Herbs like Colon Cleanse, Kidney Care, Detoxifier, LivMax, LungClear and Basil are used for the primary Detoxification of the Body. UnClog can be used for Heavy Metal Toxins.

Thereafter, Rejuvenation is done by using Herbs like: Special Digestive Aid, Gooseberry, Energizer, Kaya Kalpa, Kama Sutra, Shilajit, and Natural Calcium. Additional Organic Minerals and Natural Vitamins which may be found useful for the Rejuvenation of the Body are: NutraBoost, Super Calcium, etc. depending on the actual condition of the Body. Any Special Health / Beauty Challenges being faced by the person can also be attended during the period of Detoxification or Rejuvenation of the Body through the use of Herbs specifically formulated for this Health Challenge.

Health Care - Naturally!

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9/123 Marol Co-operative Industrial Estate
Marol Sag Baug, Andheri (East)
Mumbai 400 059
Tel: (+91-22) 2850-3986 / 2850-8653
Fax: 2850-6214
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