Test Report
"No Growth" of HIV-1 Virus from an independant Laboratory using our Mono Atomic Silver Generator
Hepatitis B
"No Growth" of Hepatitis B Virus using our Mono Atomic Silver Generators
Test Report
Efficacy of Colloidal Silver against both Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria, Fungi (Candida) and other micro-organism
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Anti-Aging Medicine
Papers presented at International Seminars, Conferences, Tutorials, Workshops, Masters Courses for IMCAS, ISAPS, IAAPS, A4M - American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.
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Fingertip Regeneration
Nano Silver Induced Stem Cell Activation has helped recreate an entire Fingertip, complete with fingernail and fingerprint in a record period of as little as 21 days.
Press Release
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Stem Cell Activators
Obtaining stem cells was historically restricted to the harvesting of embryonic, cord blood and adult stem cells which has made stem cell therapy an expensive, invasive, and a complicated process.
However, the technology to activate stem cells 1in vivo, has progressed by leaps and bounds during the last decade.
This has enabled the next generation stem cell therapy to be i) safe, ii) easy to derive, iii) user-friendly, iv) inexpensive, v) with no adverse effects, and vi) with no morbidity normally involved in the harvesting of stem cells.
Today, in vivo stem cell activation has vastly reduced the need for costly and complicated methods of harvesting and using embryonic, cord blood, and adult stem cells 2. As a result, this has brought the common man closer to the benefits of stem cell regenerative medicine at a very reasonable and affordable cost. Once the exclusive domain of high cost medical treatment, in vivo stem cell activation has made available stem cell therapy to the masses in a large number of day to day situations as well.
Topical use of stem cell activators finds application in the treatment of burns, non-healing wounds, ulcers, and impending gangrene thereby greatly reducing the risk of amputation of diabetic foot. Stem cell activation also helps to reduce post-surgical infections, surgical scars, and wound dehiscence to negligible levels which were previously unimaginable. Another topical application of great interest is epitomized in the case of “Fingertip Regeneration After Amputation”.
Stem cell activators can be dispersed into body fat, bone marrow, and cerebrospinal fluid to cause accelerated healing and regeneration. Applications of this technology are numerous and include but are not limited to facial and breast reconstructive surgeries or augmentation; spinal and brain injuries; bone marrow stem cell transplant; kidney, cardiac, pancreas repair and regenerations; non-healing fractures and osteomyelitis.
Topical Application of Gel Containing
Stem Cell Activators
The local antibiotic effect of silver nano particles (5) has been well established for over 4 decades now (6). The topical application of a gel containing nano silver will help to prevent post surgical infections, dehiscence and hypertrophic scar formation at each point of entry. Daily application will cause rapid wound healing and also help maintain high surface concentration of nano silver for transdermal delivery to area under consideration for enhanced stem cell activation on an on going basis over an initial period of 8 to 12 weeks.
Topical gels with nano silver stem cell activators find application in non healing wounds, ulcers, burns, gangrene; help reduce post surgical infections, scars and dehiscence and help in the treatment of diabetic foot by reducing the risk of amputation to negligible levels. [Check Photo Gallery pdf file]
Other Applications of Stem Cell Activators
1. Can be dispersed into plasma, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.
2. For Fingertip Regrowth after amputation. [Photo Gallery pdf file]. This has been achieved in only 30 days. The entire fingernail and finger print have been recreated on the amputated finger. [Testimonials]
This is a world record, as the last documented case in 1995 of Stem Cell Induced Fingertip Regrowth with silver by the late Dr. Robert Becker, M.D., Professor of Medicine, State University of New York, Syracuse, New York took 90 days (3 - Pages 155 - 156) for full growth as is also recorded in US Patent 5,814,094. (4)
For more information and case studies on Fingertip Regeneration [pdf file]
3. Treatment of Diabetic Foot / Gangrene
4. Treatment of Non Healing Wounds & Ulcers
5. Necrotizing Fasciitis
Integrating Stem Cell Activation Therapy into Fat Transplant
Importance of Multiple Points of Entry / Injury
The theory behind the multiple points of entry / injury is as follows:
1. Stem cells automatically conglomerate at any point of injury in the body. Every injection point causes a point of injury in the body and the body releases stem cells which travel and collect at that point of injury. The injection site can be used to aggravate the area of injury to cause a higher concentration of the body's own stem cells at that point.
2. Fat cells injected also deliver their own supply of stem cells at each of these locations.
3. Silver nano particles dispersed in the fat prior to being injected help to dedifferentiate mature cells (in the plasma mixed with the fat for instance and in the fat itself) thereby creating more stem cells at each location. (1)
4. In addition, nano silver is known to stimulate preexisting stem cells resulting in the production of larger number of progenitor cells. (2)
The mathematics for this is as follows:
If fat transplanted alone had say 1.0 million stem cells, then with the addition of body's own stem cells due to multiple points of entry / injury you can go up to say 2.0 million stem cells. Now with the addition of nano silver you can go up to say 3.0 million stem cells which are highly activated due to stimulation by nano silver. The potency of these 3 million stem cells may be double or triple that of normal.
The effect of multiple points of entry / injury with nano silver dispersed fat will roughly create a triple to quadruple effect and substantially reduce the time period and frequency of repeat procedures. Fat transplant work done with nano silver induced stem cell activation will result in negligible fat / volume loss at the end of 6 weeks. This is a great improvement over the present state of art where fat grafting results in a 30% to 50% fat / volume loss with single or multi point fat grafting techniques.
These stem cell activation techniques using nano silver can result in a one time procedure for Breast Augmentation through fat grafting, with no loss of volume, no overnight hospital stay and with no future requirement or cost of repeat procedures. This will make these procedures more affordable and popular in the long run.
[Special Offer for Doctors / Patients undergoing Nano Silver Stem Cell Activated Fat Grafting / Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplant and other Stem Cell procedures for first time].
All this can be summed up as follows:
" Multiple points of injury will create higher concentrations of stem cells at each point where you inject the fat. Injecting 2 to 3 ml per point will probably create 100+ injection points of injury. At each point of injury the body will conglomerate its own internal stem cells as well. Nano Silver will also help to increase the concentration of stem cells at each point because they will dedifferentiate mature cells. In addition, silver ions will also activate all existing stem cells at each point of injury. "
- Induced dedifferentiation: A possible alternative to embryonic stem cell transplants, Robert O. Becker, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Upstate Medical Center, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY 13210. USA, NeuroRehabilitation 17 (2002) 23-31 IOS Press
- Effects of electrically generated silver ions on human cells and wound healing, Robert O. Becker, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Health Science Center, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY 13202. USA,
Electro and Magnetobiology, 19(1), 1-19 (2000)
- United State Patent (19) Becker et al. (11) Patent Number: 5,814,094 (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 29, 1998
- Dr. (Major) M. P. Vora, 2% Silver Nitrate Solution (Crede’s method of prophylaxis) came into use to prevent blindness in newly-born infants due to Gonococcal infection during birth. Ref.: V.D. Prophylaxis And Prevention, The Indian Practitioner, Vol. XXXI, No. 5 of May 1978. http://www.stdpioneer.org/prohylaxis.html
- Crede, C.S.F.: Die Verhutung der Augenzundung der Neugeborenen, Arch. Gynakol, 17.50, 1881
- Harold Brem, Marjana Tomic-Canic. Cellular and Molecular basis of wound healing in diabetes.
JCI (2007), 117(5):1219–1222. PMID 17476353.
- M. J. Babcock, Rutgers University, New Jersey, Methods for Measuring Fingernail Growth Rates in Nutritional Studies, The Journal of Nutrition, August 19, 1954
- Sunil S Tholpady, Ramon Llull, Roy C Ogle, J Peter Rubin, J William Futrell, Adam J Katz, Adipose tissue: stem cells and beyond, Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 01/02/2006; 33(1):55-62, vi.
The Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD, 1985. ISBN :0688069711
(With Stem Cell Activators)
Each vial has 500 ppm concentration of Nano Silver for in vivo and / or in vitro activation of stem cells. This can be diluted with upto 4 parts of Ringer Lactate or sterile water for irrigation. This diluted solution of 100 ppm concentration can be added to tumescent fulid prior to aspirating body fat. Can also be added to aspirated body fat prior to Fat Transplant procedures. Wash is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Prevents post surgical infections and reduces scaring and wound dehiscence. |
Main Ingredients: Nano Silver in sterile water for irrigation.
Dosage: Dilute to 100 ppm and use as required.
Packing: 1.0 oz. (30 mL), 2.0 0z. (60 mL) and 4.0 oz. (120 mL) vials |
Stem Cell Activator Wash
1.0 oz. (30 mL) vial
2.0 oz. (60 mL) vial
4.0 oz. (120 mL) vial -------- To Order / Consult Click Here |
Recommended for Breast Reconstuctive Surgeries and Facial Rejuvenation procedures. |
(With Stem Cell Activators - Inject able)
Each vial has 2.0 mL of Nano Silver and / or Nano Gold concentrate. Nano Silver has in vivo and / or in vitro Stem Cell Activation capabilities, while Nano Gold has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and enhanced collagen forming capabiliities. |
Main Ingredients: Nano Silver and / or Nano Gold in sterile water for injection.
Packing: glass vials |
Nano Silver 2.0 mL per vial
Nano Gold 2.0 mL per vial
Nano Gold + Nano Silver 3.0 mL per vial
(Recommended for Knee Cartilage Repair)
To Order / Consult Click Here
Recommended for Stem Cell Therapy and
Knee Cartilage Repair. |
Supporting Treatments required to create proper foundation for success of Stem Cell Treatments:
- Detoxification and Rejuvenation of the body is the first necessary step to ensure the success of all stem cell treatments. For info: http://www.space-age.com/detox.html
- Intracellular nutritional correction of the nutritional profile of the body to ensure adequate reserves of intracellular nutrition to carry out stem cell induced repairs in the body and anti-age various organs of the body. Also helps to reverse chronic diseases which may have caused the injury which necessitated the stem cell repair
of the body.
For info: http://www.space-age.com/aging.html
References for further reading:
- Induced dedifferentiation: A possible alternative to embryonic stem cell transplants, Robert O. Becker, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Upstate Medical Center, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY 13210. USA, NeuroRehabilitation 17 (2002) 23-31 IOS Press
[pdf file]
- Effects of electrically generated silver ions on human cells and wound healing, Robert O. Becker, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Health Science Center, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY 13202. USA,
Electro and Magnetobiology, 19(1), 1-19 (2000)
[pdf file]
- The Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD, 1985. . ISBN :0688069711
- United State Patent (19) Becker et al. (11) Patent Number: 5,814,094 (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 29, 1998 [pdf file]
- Dr. (Major) M. P. Vora, 2% Silver Nitrate Solution (Crede’s method of prophylaxis) came into use to prevent blindness in newly-born infants due to Gonococcal infection during birth. Ref.: V.D. Prophylaxis And Prevention, The Indian Practitioner, Vol. XXXI, No. 5 of May 1978 [html file]
- Crede, C.S.F.: Die Verhutung der Augenzundung der Neugeborenen, Arch. Gynakol, 17.50, 1881
Nano Silver Induced Stem Cell Activation
Manuscript published in A4M - The American Academy of Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Spring 2010, Volume 13
Expert Comments and Encouragement
Fingertip Regeneration
Integrating Stem Cell Activation Therapy into Fingertip Regenerative Medicine
Fingertip Regeneration - Integrating Stem Cell Activation Therapy into Fingertip Regenerative Medicine
Manuscript accepted for publication by A4M - The American Academy for Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Spring 2011, Volume 14
Test Report showing "No Growth" of Gram Postive and Gram Negative Bacteria and Fungus (Candida) from an independant Laboratory using our Mono Atomic Silver Generator. Download file in pdf format..
Research shows that Nano Silver Particles can kill HIV-1 Virus. Download Word doc file
Test Report showing "No Growth" of HIV-1 Virus from an independant Laboratory using our Mono Atomic Silver Generator. Download file in pdf format.
Press Release - The Indian Practioner,
Vol. 55, No. 9 of September 2002
Testimony for treatment of HIV-1 Virus
Misuse Of Antibiotics - My Doctor Magazine - June 2002
(Download pdf file)
The Bubble Has Burst - DNA Sunday June 24, 2007 - Page 17 - Health Line (Download pdf file)
Is My Immunity Low? Frequently Asked Questions
(Download Word file)
Journal of Medical Physics 2007, Vol. 32, Issue 3,
(Ganesh T. News. J Med Phys 2007;32:135-8)
Press Release on Swine Flu Pandemic in India
Nano Silver Activates Stem Cells
Meet the man behind the Stem Cell Activation Biotechnology Research
Stem Cell Activator Kit
Stem Cell Activator Kits, Options and Prices
To place an order for Stem Cell Activator Kits
and other Options Click Here
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(With Stem Cell Activators)

Gel with nano silver induced stem cell activators help to dedifferentiate mature cells and also increase production of Progenitor Cells to cause rapid healing of non healing wounds, ulcers, burns, gangrene. Helps treat diabetic foot reducing greatly the risk of amputation. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Prevents post surgical infections and reduces scaring and wound dehiscence. [Check Photo Gallery pdf file]. Used for Finger Tip Regrowth after amputation. [Photo Gallery pdf file] and Sternal Dehiscence.
It is highly recommended to use this gel in conjunction with other supporting nutrients to enhance the pace of repair work and regeneration in the body. For more info on use and application of Stem Cell Gel click here.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel and Nano Silver.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area. Apply as frequently as required and leave on overnight for best results .
Packing: 1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube |
Stem Cell Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube
Highly recommended for non healing wounds, ulcers, gangrene and diabetic foot. Reduces risk of gangrene and amputation. |
(With Stem Cell Activators)

When added to daily brushing routine prevents gum infections, bleeding gums, mouth sores and bad mouth odors. Gel with stem cell activators helps to rapidly heal wounds and ulcers. Made from aloe vera anf goodrberry gel, it is totally natural / edible, and is free of any harsh or toxic chemicals. Prevents post surgical infections and reduces scaring and wound dehiscence in oral surgeries. When used prior to oral surgeries also helps prevent bacterial infections.
It is highly recommended to use this gel in conjunction with other supporting nutrients to enhance the pace of repair work and regeneration in the body. For tips on good dental health click here. |
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera and Gooseberry Gel and Nano Silver.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area. Apply as frequently as required and leave on overnight for best results .
Packing: 1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube |
Dental Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube
Highly recommended for quick healing of wounds and ulcers; before and after oral surgeris to prevent mouth infections. |

(With Stem Cell Activators) |
For fingertip regeneration after accidental amputation. Activated stem cells help to rapidly regenerate amputated fingertips. Good for fungal infections, nail loss and rapid nail growth. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Prevents infections and reduces scaring. For progressive pictures of Finger Tip Regrowth after amputation. [Photo Gallery pdf file]. For more info on use and application of Fingertip Gel click here.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel and Nano Silver.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area. Apply as frequently as required and leave on overnight for best results .
Packing: 1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube |
Fingertip Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube
In case of accidental amputation, please do not cover the wound with a skin graft or try to stuture the fingertip shut. In case of children eleven years and older and adults it is highly recommended to use this gel in conjunction with: HGH Pro (Forte) to naturally enhance the production of Growth Hormones in the body, StemXL (to increase production of stem cells in the body) and other supporting nutrients to enhance the pace of repair work and regeneration in the body. For more info and progressive pictures of child and adult fingertip regeneration [pdf file] |

(With Stem Cell Activators) |
For toenail regeneration after accidental amputation. Activated stem cells help to rapidly regenerate amputated fingertips. Good for fungal infections, nail loss and rapid nail growth. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Prevents infections and reduces scaring. For progressive pictures of Finger Tip Regrowth after amputation. [Photo Gallery pdf file]. For more info on use and application of Fingertip / Toenail Gel click here. |
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel and Nano Silver.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area. Apply as frequently as required and leave on overnight for best results .
Packing: 1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube |
Toenail Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube
In case of accidental amputation, please do not cover the wound with a skin graft or try to stuture the toenail shut. In case of children eleven years and older and adults it is highly recommended to use this gel in conjunction with: HGH Pro (Forte) to enhance the production of Growth Hormones in the body, StemXL (to increase production of stem cells in the body) and other supporting nutrients to enhance the pace of repair work and regeneration in the body. For more info and progressive pictures of child and adult fingertip regeneration [pdf file] |

(With Stem Cell Activators for Non-healing Wounds, Ulcers and prevention of Gangrene) |
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help heal wound / ulcer healing on diabetic foot. Nano Silver Stem Cell activators are delivered through topical applications. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. |
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel and Nano Silver.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area morning and at bedtime after bath. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply. |
Diabetic Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube |
Highly recommended for those with wounds and ulcer due to Diabetes. |

(With Stem Cell Activators for difficult to heal wounds and ulcers including snake / scorpion and spider bites) |
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help difficult to heal wound / ulcer and snake, scorpion and spider bites. Nano Silver Stem Cell activators are delivered through topical applications. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. |
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel and Nano Silver.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area morning and at bedtime after bath. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply. |
Wounds & Ulcers Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube |
Highly recommended for those with chronic non healing wounds, ulcers and snake / scropion and spider bites. |
Other Related Products
for Stem Cell Regeneration
HGH Pro (Forte)
Precursor To Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
Capsules To Be Taken Orally
Precursor to Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Helps raise IGF-1 (Somatomedin – C) / Serum HGH values when taken over a prolonged period (typically 12 weeks). HGH is known to aid in the repair and regeneration processes in the body. [For more info on HGH Click here]. |
Ingredients per Serving: L-Arginine - 200mg + L-Glutamine - 150mg + L-Lysine - 150mg + L-Ornithine - 150mg + Niacin - 10mg + Hydrocotyl Asiatica - 250mg + Macuna Pruriens (L-Dopa) - 350mg + Tribulus Terrestris - 150mg + Withania Somnifera - 75mg + Zingiber Officinale - 85mg
Serving Size: 2 Capsules of 1770mg |
HGH Pro (Forte)
(60 capsules)
30 days supply |
HGH Pro (Forte)
(120 capsules)
60 days supply |
HGH Pro (Forte)
(240 capsules)
120 days supply |
Helps to Rebuild & Regenerate Fingertips when used in conjunction with Stem Cell Activation Therapy!
(Human Growth Hormone Gel)
Essential Amino Acids help the Pituitary Gland release Growth Hormones. Helps raise IGF-1 (Somatomedin – C) / Serum HGH values when taken over a prolonged period (typically 12 weeks). HGH is known to aid in the repair and regeneration processes in the body. To enhance the effect of this Amino Acid, it is fortied with Powerful Antioxidant like Organic Fat soluble Vitamin C. [For more info on HGH Gel Click here].
Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Arginine, Glutamine, Lysine, Ornithine, Tyrosine, Vitamin Serum C and Organic Chromium.
Dosage: Apply 12 drops (0.50g) 2 peas sized amount containing an average of 200mg/g of Arginine; 25mg/g each of Glutamine, Lysine, Ornithine, Tyrosine; 50mg/g of Serum C; and 100mcg/g of Organic Chromium in the morning after bath and at bedtime.
(15 days supply) |
To Order / Consult Click Here |
(1 month supply) |
To Order / Consult Click Here |
Helps to Rebuild & Regenerate Fingertips when used in conjunction with Stem Cell Activation Therapy
Orthomolecular Nutrition with Stem Cells Activators and Organic Minerals. Synergistically Formulated. Optimized for Intracellular Effect. For more info please click here. |
Ingredients: Boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, silicon, zinc. |
(60 capsules) |
The Secret to Healthy Hair, Nails and Skin - Your Beauty Quotient.
Helps increase Stem Cell Concentration levels in the body to aid in the process of repair and regeneration. |
Herbal Ingredients: (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae 680mg + Zingiber Zerumbet 70mg)
Dosage: 750mg Capsule |
Stem-XL 750mg
(60 capsules) |
Stem-XL 750mg
(120 capsules) |
Naturally enhances Stem Cell Production.
Essential Amino Acid. This Dietary Supplement helps the Pituitary Gland release Growth Hormones to start the process of Repair and Regeneration. To enhance the effect of this Amino Acid, it is fortified with Powerful Antioxidant like Organic Fat soluble Vitamin C and other Growth Hormone producing and Energizing Herbs. |
Herbal Ingredients: L- Arginine 300mg + Organic Ester C 50mg + Organic Zinc 35mg + Hydrocotyl Asiatica 165mg + Withania Somnifera 75mg + Zingiber Officinale 25mg
Dosage: 650mg Capsule |
Arginine (Forte)
(60 capsules) |
Arginine (Forte)
(120 capsules) |
The Secret to Regeneration.
Helps lower Blood Sugar / Insulin levels. Helps increase Insulin sensitivity and Growth Hormone Levels. Highly recommend for obese persons with border line blood sugar control and diabetic persons |
Herbal Ingredients: (Eugenia Jambolana - 170 mg + Gymnema Sylvester - 170 mg + Pterocarpus Marsupium - 170 mg + Organic Chromium – 2.5mg + Manganese - 5.25mg + Vanadium - 250mcg + Zingiber Officinale 82mg)
Dosage: 600mg Capsule |
SugarX 600mg
(60 capsules) |
SugarX 600mg
(120 capsules) |
Helps Naturally Increases Growth Hormone Levels.
Stem Cell Regeneration of Digestive Tract
Gastric Regenerator
(With Stem Cell Activators to Repair and Regenerate
the entire Digestive Tract)
Helps regenerate the entire digestive tract. Found helpful in heartburn, acidity, chronic acid reflux, gastric and peptic ulcers, esophagitis, Barretts esophagus. Stem Cell Activation helps rebuild the mucus membrane lining and the gastric mucosa in particular. Helpful in case of Helicobacter pylori infection causing ulcers. Use in conjunction with herbal dietary supplement GastriX which enhances the formation of mucus membrane lining. This helps reduce Hyperacidity, Heart Burn, Acid Reflux and Leaky Gut Syndrome. [pdf file]
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Crocus Sativus, Nano Silver, Nano Gold and Stem Cell.
Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoons in the early morning and bedtime on an empty stomach.
Gastric Regenerator
500 mL |
To Order / Consult Click Here |
Helps to Rebuild & Regenerate the entire digestive tract with Stem Cell Therapy.
GastriX |
Herbal Dietary Supplement. Anti inflammatory. Produces a viscus mucus which covers and protects the stomach and intestinal walls This helps reduce Hyperacidity, Heart Burn, Acid Reflux and Leaky Gut Syndrome. [pdf file] |
Ingredients: Asparagus Racemosus 250mg, Foeniculum Officinale 100mg, Glycyrrhiza Glabra 250mg, Mentha Piperita 200mg, Zingiber Officinale 50mg. Micronized, high potency, whole herbal supplement.
Dosage: 850mg Capsule |
(60 capsules) |
(120 capsules) |
Helps recreate a healthy mucus lining on the walls of the stomach and the intestines; and simultaneously reduce inflammation. |
Other Related Stem Cell Therapy Gels

(With Stem Cell Activators for Irregular Pigmentation and Melasma)
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help remove the most difficult Pigmentation spots on your skin and as well as chronic Melasma. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and smoother skin. Helps lighten complexion by a few noticeable shades. |
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Silver, Nano Gold, Natural Vitamins A, E & Serum C, Organic Zinc, Geranium & Lavender.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area morning and at bedtime after bath. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply. |
Pigmentation Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube |
Highly recommend for those with Chronic Pigmentation Spots and Melasma. |

(With Stem Cell Activators for Hair Growth) |
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help groom hair into any style you want. Helps prevent all o pecia, dandruff and itching of scalp. Encourages growth of new and healthy hair. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and more manageable hair. Helps encourage hair growth.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Silver, Nano Gold, Organic Vitamin A, E, Serum C along with Essential Oils of Rose Mary, and Lavender.
Dosage: Apply liberal quantity, wet hair and rub into scalp. Comb and allow to dry. Leave on over night for best results. W ashes off in plain water .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply.
Hair Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube |
Highly recommended for those with chronic Hair Loss. |

(With Stem Cell Activators for Instant Face Lift and Skin Tightening) |
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators. Use on Face, under Chin and Neck area (avoid eye area). Helps tighten skin for instant Face Lift. Daily applications give cumulative results. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and smoother skin. Helps lighten complexion by a few noticeable shades.
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel, Nano Silver, Nano Gold, Natural Vitamins A, E & Serum C, Proteins, Amino Acids, Lavender & Geranium. .
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area morning and at bedtime after bath. Leave on overnight for best results.
Apply a minimum of 30 minutes before the event / shoot. Absorbs in 15 to 30 minutes after application. Wash off with plain water prior to application of makeup .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply.
Instant Face Lift Gel ---------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube |
Highly recommended for instant removal of wrinkles and for instantaneous skin tightening. |
(With Stem Cell Activators for reduced volume / fat loss after fat transplant Breast Reconstructive Surgeries / Breast Augmentation) |
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help reduce loss of volume / fat after fat transplant procedures for Breast Reconstructive Surgeries / Breast Augmentation. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and smoother skin. Helps to also reduce post surgical infections, scars, and wound dehiscence. Regular use helps to firm and tone breasts for a more youthful feel. |
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel and Nano Silver.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area morning and atbedtime after bath. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for one month supply. |
Breast Excel Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube |
Helps create a natural breasts with full sensation. |
(With Stem Cell Activators for Acne) |
Gel has nano silver stem cell activators to help reduce scaring due to Acne. Nano silver has strong antibiotic properties which help to reduce infection. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer and smoother skin. Helps to also clear Acne and scars due to Acne. |
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel and Nano Silver, Nano Gold.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply. |
AcneX Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
2.0 oz. (60 gram) tube |
Helps to clear Acne - infection and scars due to Acne. |
(With Stem Cell Activators for Derma Rolling) |
For activation of stem cells after Exfoliation or Derma Rolling treatments. Stem Cell Activators are delivered transdermally. Helps to enhance and speed up the effect of Exfoliation and Derma Rolling treatments. Help to prevent post infections / scaring. Made from Aloe Vera, the Gel is totally natural, and does not contain any harsh or toxic chemicals. Good for softer, smoother and tighter skin. |
Main Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Nano Silver, Nano Gold, Natural Vitamins A, E & Serum C, Proteins, Amino Acids, Stem Cells, Lavender & Geranium.
Dosage: Apply liberally to cover he desired area. Leave on overnight for best results .
Form: 1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube - typically good for two months supply.
Derma Gel ----------------------- To Order / Consult Click Here
1.0 oz. (30 gram) tube |
Helps to rejuvenate skin for a firmer and tighter appearance. |
For Online Consultations
For a Map of our Health Center Click here
(in pdf format)
DISCLAIMER: The infromation
and experiences shared on any video tapes, on any audio tapes, in any
handout materials are for educational and research purposes only and is
not medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical prescription. You are
advised to seek healing solution from your personal, qualified health
care Professional. Self treatment could be hazardous to your health.